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Beaches and Swimming
What are pool hours of operations?
The pool will open for the 2022 season beginning Friday, May 27th at 4pm, Memorial Day Weekend. It will cease weekday operations Monday, September 5th at 8pm, Labor Day Weekend. Weekend hours Friday from 4-8pm, Saturday and Sunday 12pm-8pm may continue through October, weather permitting.
REGULAR HOURS: Daily, weather permitting, 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
***Closed Tuesdays***
CLUB HOURS: Monday/Wednesday/Fridays
Lap Swim Club: 6:45 AM – 8:00 AM & Water Aerobics 9:00– 11:00 AM
Members must have obtained a valid membership card and be currently registered in good standing with Property Management. Questions regarding association and club membership(s) should be directed to or by calling 678-413-3377
Can I swim off my dock?
Swimming is permitted from private docks. Swimmers swimming from private docks may swim only up to 50 feet from the dock or shoreline.
Is swimming allowed in our lake?
The Main Beach and Sunset Beach are designated swim beaches; swimming is prohibited at Matheny Park Beach and the Peninsula. Swimming is permitted in marked areas only. No wading around the dam or clubhouse. Swimmers swimming from private docks may swim only up to 50 feet from the dock or shoreline.
Members 14 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times in the Main Beach Swimming area.
Pool Rules
Norris Lake Community Benefits Corporation wishes all members and their guests a secure and enjoyable swimming experience. Please follow the Pool Rules below to ensure your safety. Minimum age and other requirements included in the rules below are determined by DeKalb County regulations.
1. No lifeguard on duty. Members swim at their own risk. Pool attendants are NOT lifeguards and are on the premises to enforce rules, maintain the pool and verify memberships. The pool attendant shall have sole discretion to prohibit any person from the pool area due to unacceptable behavior or questionable membership status.
2. A member must provide proper identification with a valid membership card to use the pool. Only 4 guests are allowed with a member. Guests of members will be allowed at the discretion of the pool attendant based on the space available.
3. Unattended solo bathing is prohibited.
4. Members should shower before entering the pool. If you have been swimming in the lake, you must shower with soap and water prior to entering the pool. Failure to do so will increase bacteria levels causing unsafe swim conditions and result in closing of the pool for cleaning.
5. No swimming is allowed during heavy rain or with the presence of thunder and/or lightning.
6. No smoking, food, wrappers, glass, cans or open cups are allowed in the swimming pool area. Drinks must be kept in a covered container such as a water bottle, sippy cup or plastic bottle with screw cap. All trash must be placed in the trash cans provided.
7. Children cannot use the pool without an adult in attendance. Parents are responsible for their children. No children are allowed in water over his or her head unless he or she can swim at least one pool width. Children, three years old or younger, as well as any child not potty-trained, must wear snug-fitting plastic pants or water-resistant swim diapers.
8. No child over the age of 7 will be permitted in the baby pool. Each child in the baby pool must be accompanied by a responsible person over the age of 18.
9. During regular hours of operation, pool attendants will periodically call for a 15-minute break by blowing of the whistle. Parents please have your children use the restroom during this rest period.
10. Pool attendant may require removal of any pool toy or other items not designed for pool use, from the pool at his/her discretion, when it becomes a problem to others.
11. No diving, running, boisterous or rough play allowed.
12. No spitting, spouting of water or blowing nose in the pool. Persons with open blisters or cuts shall not use the pool.
13. Proper swim attire is mandatory. “Cut offs” are not allowed.
14. Pets are not allowed inside the pool fence.
15. The pool office telephone is for emergency use only.
What are the rules for swimming in the community area?
1. Swimming is permitted in marked areas only. No wading around the dam or clubhouse.
2. Diving is not permitted from the bridge or clubhouse roof.
3. No glass allowed in designated swim areas.
4. All trash must be disposed of properly in receptacles provided for that purpose.
5. Only members in good standing or their guests may use the beaches.
6. Members ages 14-17 may have one guest in the same age group. A Norris Lake member who is not in good standing cannot be a guest. A member caregiver of a child under 14 needs to be at least 18 years of age. The nonmember caregiver must be registered with the property manager.
7. Members 14 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times in the Main Beach Swimming area.
Boat Rules
Right of Way
The order of right of way is:
1. Manned free floating life saving device
2. Sailboats
3. Paddle boats or rafts
4. Powerboats
General Boat Rules
1. Beaching of boats allowed on homeowner's property or launching ramp only.
2. Littering or dumping, including sewer and chemicals into Norris Lake will result in prosecution to the maximum extent of the law!
3. Coast guard approved boating equipment is required to be on board any boat at all times, including a life jacket for each person in the boat, and a fire extinguisher.
4. At dusk and nighttime, boats are only allowed to travel at 5 miles per hour.
Is there a speed limit for boats?
Powerboats shall be operated in a safe manner at all times at speeds of no more than 25 mph.
Is water skiing permitted?
Yes, within the following guidelines:
1. Water-skiing is permitted from sunrise to sunset only.
2. Skiers or the boats towing the skiers are not allowed to travel within 100 feet of the shore line or any other craft, at any time.
3. Skiers must wear Coast Guard Approved life jackets at all times when skiing.
4. Ski around the lake in a counter clockwise direction only.
Must boats be registered?
EVERY watercraft (including power boats, canoes, and jet skis) must be registered and have a current year decal before it will be allowed on the lake. Possession of a membership card without the decal is not sufficient unless written prior approval has been obtained from the Norris Lake property manager. If a boat does not have a current decal, it must be removed from the water. Failure to comply will result in automatic suspension of all membership privileges for the season, and in the case of a non-resident, will result in criminal trespass charges.
No wake zones?
All boats entering the Main Beach cove at the south end of the lake and traveling past Fisherman's Beach and the submerged rock wall in the north end of the lake must use idle speed only.
Powerboat Rules?
1. Powerboats are restricted to idle speed between dusk and sunrise.
2. Use of powerboats shall be restricted to one powerboat or two personal water crafts per home at any one time, for a maximum of two craft per home at any time.
3. Powerboats shall be no more than 20 feet in length.
4. Boats shall stay at least 100 feet from the shore at all times.
5. Boats under power may not pass within 100 feet of any boat at idle, adrift, or anchored, per Coast Guard Regulations.
6. Boats shall travel in a counter clockwise direction around the lake when above idle speed.
7. All boats/jet skis shall operate according to state boating laws.
Are pets allowed in the community area?
1. No pets are allowed inside the fence at the swimming pool
2. No pets are allowed inside the fence at Main Beach and Jacob's Playground.
3. Pets are allowed at Matheny Park, Fisherman’s Beach and Sunset Beach. Owners are required to control and clean up after their pets. City ordinance states that dogs may not run at large (certain exceptions on hunting dogs), which means dogs must be on a leash, be at heel or be at the side of a competent person and be obedient to their commands.
4. Pets are also allowed at the Peninsula. Gwinnett County Dog Park Rules (below) are enforceable on the Peninsula.
5. Dogs must display current rabies tag.
6. You are responsible for any damage or injury caused by your dog. NLCBC shall not be held liable for any injury or damage caused by a dog. Use at your own risk.
7. Dogs should be under voice command.
8. Always clean up after your dog.
9. Fill any holes made by your dog.
10. Limit three dogs per owner.
11. If your dog becomes unruly or plays rough, short leash your dog immediately.
12. Call Animal Control at 770.339.3200 with questions or complaints.
Are there any rules concerning resident parking on the streets?
Adequate off street parking must be maintained by each property or residence in accordance with current County Regulations. It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep informed of current County Regulations at all times. Residents' vehicles may not be parked on community property or streets.
What are the hours I can contact the Property Manager?
The office is located in the Clubhouse (see physical address). If you need to speak with the a member of property management in person or drop off your HOA dues, please visit the office during posted office hours.
When are the annual assessments due?
Annual assessment will be billed the preceding December and due on January 1st each year. Assessments not received by February 1st will be auto-enrolled into a monthly plan with a $10 monthly finance fee until paid in full. Monthly payments will be due by the 5th of each month. Monthly payments received after the 7th will be assessed a 10% late fee on cumulative outstanding assessment balances.
When is the lake lowered for maintenance?
The lake will be lowered every odd numbered year during the month of January without a specific vote, to allow for maintenance of the lake, seawalls, dam, and structures. The lake MAY be lowered in even numbered years during the month of January by a vote of the Board.
Who can use the community lakes, parks and pool?
Use of community property is limited to members in good standing who are carrying proper proof of identification and a current Association Member Card.
What are the rules for fishing on Norris Lake?
1. Fishing in the lake is allowed for any member in good standing and one guest per member. Guests must be accompanied by sponsoring member.
2. State of Georgia Fishing Regulations will be enforced at all times on Norris Lake.
3. Minimum size and bag limits will be enforced in accordance with GA Regulations.
4. Catch-and-release is recommended for game species of fish.
5. Fish traps and unattended lines are prohibited.
Trapping, injuring or harassing other wildlife is prohibited and violators will be prosecuted.
Copyright © 2025 Norris Lake, GA - All Rights Reserved.
Sign-Up for the 2025 Bass Fishing Tournament before it's too late!
- TROPHY & CASH pot for Heaviest Largemouth Bass
- TEAM TROPHIES & CASH for Heaviest Bag of 5 Largemouth Bass
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Team Anglers
Primary Date: May 3rd, 2025 (unless rained out)
Alt. Date: May 4th, 2025 (if primary day is rained out)
Time: 6:30am – 2:30pm (Gates Open @ 6:00am)